why hate the queen
there are bigger fish to fry
to wish they’d up and die
how does she
affect your life
down here down under
on a daily basis
she’s rich but
so is Gina Rhinehart
do you hate her as much
I don’t give a flying fuck
for either of them
but one’s more fun to watch
one gives good show
the other
not so much
you feel oppressed
for real
true dinks
be serious
it’s time you had a chat
to someone from Pyong Yang
or Myanmar or Syria
a woman from the Middle East
try that
by ostrich feathers on a hat
an accent you don’t care for
half as much as
Father Ted or
Larry David
Patsy Stone
Steptoe or
James Brown
oppressed distressed
by power that wouldn’t
scare a cat
power that doesn’t stop me
doing anything
at all
the monarchy will fall
it’s okay, relax
we will go all the way
of the USA
and we will cry
hip hip hooray
free at last
free at last
and welcome the banal
and realize
the queen
did not really
affect your little life
at all.
See also poems read out loud at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9uLwxslE_VQ-fu-Dw6gdIA/playlists
My book of poems, A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Day-At-Time-Rhyme/dp/0648083861/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=A+Day+At+A+Time+In+Rhyme+Jane+Clifton&qid=1572053238&sr=8-1
or on the SHOP page of this very website.
2020 Lockdown collection Fewer Curs available on demand