DAY 46 – Sept 17 constant
state of alarm look out red alert on watch too late be ready take care beware hold steady sanitize immunize wash hands don’t shake check check double-check get tested knotted gut stress head and now now! THERE’S TURKEYS DYING sorry what anguished look on Mary Gearin’s face as if Christmas wasn’t stuffed enough bird flu scored a hit it’ll be swine flu next what no pork crackling probably no plum duff disaster roll call this misery tsunami every night at 7 I can’t take much more of your cataclysm catechism earthquake atrocity mud slide typhoon hurricane flooding global warming
icecaps melting organ farming
missile testing famine human traffic mass graves police state click bait massacre slaughter twitter storm inferno asteroid belt and road tornado uprising suppression asylum oppression locusts depression
is it any wonder puppy videos are so popular. See also poems read out loud at
My book of poems, A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here:
or on the SHOP page of this very website.